Journal des troubles alimentaires et nutritionnels

Abstrait 9, Volume 4 (2020)

article de recherche

Specialized Multivitamin Supplementation is Needed After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

  • Astrid Van Eijgen, Greet Vanheule, Wim Bouckaert, Liesbeth Decoutere, Mieke Van Den Driessche

Résumé de l'assemblée annuelle

Concentrated kefir production by ultrafiltration

  • Firuze Ergin

article de recherche

An Area at War: Alarming Malnutrition Status and its Predictors among Children Aged 6-60 Months Old in Kokang, Myanmar

  • Ai Zhao, Qiyan Xiao, HongChong Gao, Shuangjie Cao, Mingyu Zhang, Naing Naing Win and YuMei Zhang