Journal d'amélioration athlétique

Quality of Life and Psychological Consequences in Elders after Hip Fracture

Suhail Karim

Objectives: To determine the quality of life and psychological consequences in elders after hip fracture. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted in Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan between September 2020 and April 2021. 40 older adults aged 40-65 years were selected anonymously. Pain, physical changes and mental level were evaluated in all groups. A SF-12 questionnaire was used to determine the physical activity of the participants. Results: The current study was aimed to determine that after hip surgery in elderly patients, the quality of life deteriorates with age and psychological health also deteriorates with the age. The study results concluded that 42.5% had very good health condition, 92.5% had limited health in moderate activities and 95% had a lot of difficulty while climbing stairs. Furthermore, the findings showed that 100% had problem in accomplishing less than they would like because of poor physical and emotional health and 77% won’t be able to perform activities of daily life. Conclusion: We concluded from the study that after hip surgery in elderly patients, the quality of life deteriorates with age and psychological health also deteriorates with the age.