VEGETOS : Une revue internationale de recherche sur les plantes

Suitability of Different Empirical Models for Evapotranspiration Estimation from Chickpea for Uttarakhand Tarai region

Shweta Singh, Suman Kumar and AK Mishra

Field experiment was conducted for quantifying evapotranspiration losses of chickpea under tarai conditions of Uttarakhand to select suitable empirical model based on meteorological parameters. Evapotranspiration of chickpea was measured with weighing type lysimeters which was related to pan evaporation and was also estimated by using various mathematical methods. As the pan evaporation did not give accurate estimate of chickpea ET, both on seasonal and as well as weekly basis, the modified Penman methods gave the nearest value to actual evapotranspiration and was best suitable for estimation of ET in tarai region of Uttarakhand.