VEGETOS : Une revue internationale de recherche sur les plantes

Physiological Barriers for Adventitious Species Invasion in Oligotroph Ecosystems of the Middle Ob Area

Oligotroph; Ecosystems; Oil; Mycorrhiza

The comparative assessment of four groups of plant species adaptability to conditions of raised oligotrophic bogs of the Middle Ob area has been made. Researches were conducted in oil extraction zone located between 60-62 degrees north latitude and 75-80 degrees east longitude. Oil extraction has been carried out for more than 40 years. At present, numerous observations on disturbed ecosystems restoration have been made. Dominant groups of local flora species such as Ericaceae, Pinaceae Cyperacea were compared with species used in revegetation of boggy ecosystems. On level of adaptation to bogs these species are arranged in the following consequence "Ericaceae> Pinophyta> Carex> adventitious species". Tolerance of species has been compared according to their ecological scales locations, biological efficiency, activity in evergreen conditions, and formation of mycorhiza as well as steady plant communities. In natural ecosystems invasive species can't form steady communities owing to numerous physiological barriers to their development. Boggy ecosystems restore at the expense of plant species of local flora after minor disturbances during oil extraction.