VEGETOS : Une revue internationale de recherche sur les plantes

Evaluation of RIL Population Derived from Traditional and Modern Cultivar of Wheat (C 518/2* PBW 343) for Yield Potential under Drought Stress Conditions

Ashutosh Srivastava, Puja Srivastava, Achla Sharma, Sarlach RS and Bains NS

Evaluation of RIL Population Derived from Traditional and Modern Cultivar of Wheat (C 518/2* PBW 343) for Yield Potential under Drought Stress Conditions

Present study was carried out to assess the yield potential of C518 and their potential utility in context of drought tolerance when introgressed in to a modern day wheat variety (PBW 343). These two cultivars (PBW 343 and C 518) belongs to distinct adaptation groups, offer several morpho-physiological and biochemical contrasts. C518 is tall and adapted to low input rainfed conditions whereas PBW 343 is semi-dwarf and input responsive. 175 recombinant inbred lines (C 518/2* PBW 343) along with parents and checks were evaluated for drought tolerance in account of yield potential under irrigated and rainfed environments during 2013 to 2014. Water stress was created by withholding irrigation. Different drought tolerance indices viz., stress susceptibility index, relative drought index, mean productivity, stress tolerance index, geometric mean productivity, yield stability index, drought resistance index were evaluated based on grain yield under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Out of 175 inbred lines, seven lines recorded higher grain yield under irrigated as well as rainfed environments. STI, DRI and MP showed highly significant positive correlation with yield in both stress and nonstress environments and with other drought tolerance indices. Thus application of these indices could be appropriate while screening the varieties for drought tolerance and on the basis of theses indices, the inbred lines 108, 84, 80 and 32 were found tolerance lines with high yield under both environments better than the parents...