Journal sur la santé, les problèmes et les soins des femmes

Abstrait 7, Volume 2 (2018)

article de recherche

Assessment of Sexual Violence and its Effect on Reproductive Health among Women in Ataye Northern Shoa, Amhara Regional State, Ehtiopia

  • Girum Sebsibie Teshome, Fikirte Woldeselassie Woldeyohans and Hirut Terefe Gemeda

article de recherche

A Retrospective Study of Women’s Reproductive Health Calls in Aman Foundation Tele-Health Call Centre in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Neelam Saleem Punjani, Rafat Jan, Yasmin Mithani and Zaheed Ali Faheem

article de recherche

Perceived Risk, Anxiety and Alexithymia in Sisters of Breast Cancer Patients

  • Veena Shukla Mishra and Dhananjaya Saranath

article de recherche

The Effect of Maternal Obesity on Maternal and Neonatal outcome in Pregnant Saudi Females

  • Ahmad Talal Chamsi, Thamer Al Ghamdi, Feras Abu Ramadan and Salman Al Shahed