Article d'opinion
Role of Technology in Enhancing Animal Welfare
Advancements and Applications of Precision Nutrition in Animal Farming
Control, Prevention, and Disease Management in Animal Husbandry
Communication courte
Formulation Strategies and Therapeutic Efficacy in Veterinary Drug Delivery
Understanding Pathogenesis of Actinomycosis Disease in Animals
Environmental and Economic Considerations for Sustainable Animal Husbandry
Role of the Veterinary Technician in Animal Care
Applications of Molecular Biology in Study of Animal Diseases
article de recherche
Application, Utilization and Uptake of Artificial Insemination Technology to Smallholder Farmers in the Traditional Agro-Pastoral Livestock Farming System: A Case of Mpwapwa District in the Central Zone of Tanzania
Etiology, Transmission and Clinical Manifestations of Trichomoniasis in Animals
Role of Animal Vaccination in Preventing Zoonotic Outbreaks
Impact of Vaccination on Animal Health, Welfare, and Overall Farm Productivity
Maintenance of Vaccine Efficacy by Proper Vaccine Storage and Handling
Ecological Implications, Transmission and Efforts to Manage and Control Parasitic Diseases in Animals
Preserving Biodiversity through Animal Welfare
Pathogenesis and Epidemiology of Leptospirosis
Regulations and Guidelines for Animal Welfare in Different Regions
Article de révision
Traitement des membranes fœtales retenues chez les animaux d'élevage : une revue
Détection et caractérisation moléculaire du parvovirus canin de type 2 chez les chiens présentant des symptômes de gastro-entérite dans la province d'Ankara, en Turquie