Journal des comportements addictifs, thérapie et réadaptation

Abstrait 4, Volume 1 (2015)

Lettre à l'éditeur

Alcohol Abuse in Russia: History and Perspectives

  • Sergei V Jargin

article de recherche

Pathological Video Game Use among Young Swiss Men: The Use of Monothetic and Polythetic Formats to Distinguish Between Pathological, Excessive and Normal Gaming

  • St?phanie Baggio, Joseph Studer, Marc Dupuis, Meichun Mohler-Kuo, Jean-Bernard Daeppen and Gerhard Gme

article de recherche

Sexual Activities in Methamphetamine Users: A Qualitative Study on a Sample of Iranian Methamphetamine Users in Tehran

  • Masoomeh Maarefvand, Azarakhsh Mokri, Ahmad Danesh and Hamed Ekhtiari