Journal de recherche sur la pharmacie et l'administration de médicaments

H1R Antagonists for Brain Inflammation and Anxiety: Targeted Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Wiley TS, Raden M and Haraldsen JT

H1R Antagonists for Brain Inflammation and Anxiety: Targeted Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders, which covers Autism, Asperger’s, and Disintegrative and Pervasive Developmental disorders, have risen in the awareness of researchers due to the dramatic increase in diagnosed cases over the last decade. Currently, one child in eighty is diagnosed while Autism Spectrum Disorder with the absolute cause remaining unknown. Since the number of cases of ASD is increasing, many physicians and clinicians are looking for a solution for some of the symptoms. For many patients that are diagnosed with ASD, exhibit symptoms include behavioral disabilities, insomnia, locomotor activity disability, anxiety, and communication issues. However, the current standard of care has been aimed at behavioral and medical treatments for these symptoms. Treatments can include medications ranging from antidepressants and serotoninreuptake inhibitors to antipsychotics. However, many of these treatments can incite various side effects in children and adolescents. We show that current research correlates brain inflammation with many of these symptoms. Therefore, we present a theory that indicates that a patient may lessen or eliminate a variety of the aforementioned symptoms by directly reducing neuroinflammation through the use of the well-known antihistamine hydroxyzine. Furthermore, we present a general mechanism of action for use and delivery of hydroxyzine, which may be a much better choice over other multiple medications.