Faiza Allah Bukhsh and Imran Younus
The telecommunications marketplace is changing rapidly and telecommunication industry must remain responsive in order to keep up. With that in mind we have looked into the one of the biggest challenges facing by Pakistan Telecommunication Limited. In this paper we have proposed an intelligent architecture for interconnect settlement problem in Pakistan telecommunication limited (PTCL). PTCL have rich telecom infrastructure, and rent out its infrastructure to other telecom provider. PTCL and its customers, which use PTCL network, record the network usage to calculate the cost of PTCL infrastructure usage. Sometimes, dispute arises in the cost settlement due to differences in network usage statistics, these differences are known as settlement disputes/problems. In this paper we have considered the problem of disputes and use the scientific literature to find a solution. By utilizing BITa maturity analysis we have proposed a secure online cloud based data sharing architecture to resolve the settlement dispute.