Journal d'hydrogéologie et de génie hydrologique

The Implementation of Sustainable Practices in Achieving Sustainability Goals in Middle Eastern Universities

Solomon Chukwuemeka Ugbaja*

The aim of this study is to assess the implementation of sustainability practices in Middle Eastern universities. The primary research question focuses on how universities are integrating sustainability practices, particularly in relation to the CORE system, which includes curriculum, operations, research, and engagement. The research methodology primarily involves content analysis of the UI Green Metric ranking and universities' websites of selected universities in the Middle East, based on the UI Green Metric sustainable university assessment and ranking index, to observe their sustainability practices. The UI Green Metric ranking is chosen because it takes into account the operations, curriculum, research, and engagements of universities, encompassing indicators such as setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, and education. This comprehensive approach covers all three dimensions of sustainability (environment, economy, and society), whereas other indexes like GASU, AASHE: STAR, ESM and others, often focus mainly on operational Eco-efficiency. The sample for the study is selected from the top 224 sustainable universities ranked by the UI Green Metric. The total population observed and evaluated consists of the top 29 Sustainability-focused Universities in the Middle East for the years 2021 and 2022, according to the UI Green Metric sustainable ranking. Observations from the study indicate that the universities under review prioritize sustainability as part of their objectives and have developed plans, policies, and strategies to implement some of their sustainability goals, particularly concerning their management practices. However, the findings suggest that the universities should enhance their efforts in the operational eco-efficiency aspect of the CORE system, including areas like setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste reduction/ recycling, water conservation, and transportation.

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