Journal des sciences pharmaceutiques et des médicaments émergents

Preparedness & Impact of Covid-19 on Migrant Workers in India

Mohammad Shakil Ahmad, Riyaz Ahamed Shaikh and Ritu Kumar Ahmad

Covid-19 pandemic has breakdown the health, the social and economic structure of the entire world. Covid-19 pandemic is one of the worst happening in the history of mankind. Government of every country trying to control the pandemic by imposing several measures, including lockdown and discipline of social distancing.

In India, because of the diversified population, different income groups, and social habits of people, the extended lockdown has made a severe impact on the lifestyle. Daily wage earners, migrant workers are the severe sufferers. Extended lockdown lead to exhaust their handful savings forcing them to start their journey to hometown. Struggling for daily bread and butter, the unavailability of transport facilities worsens their journey. This review highlights the issues related to health, economic, and social challenges faced by migrant workers during the extended lockdown, strategies adopted by Central and State Governments.