Journal d'oncologie clinique et expérimentale

Arimidex is a kind of chemical treatment called an aromatase inhibitor

Aaron Coinneach

Arimidex (compound name: anastrozole) is an aromatase inhibitor endorsed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat: postmenopausal ladies determined to have chemical receptor-positive, beginning phase bosom malignancy after medical procedure (or conceivably chemotherapy and radiation) to lessen the danger of the disease returning These medications work by preventing the chemical estrogen from urging malignant growth cells to develop and spread. Arimidex is a kind of chemical treatment called an aromatase inhibitor. It works by preventing estrogen from being made in your body by the aromatase protein. Weight gain may likewise happen on the grounds that aromatase inhibitors, (for example, anastrozole) neutralize the impacts of estrogen.