Journal de la science de l'énergie nucléaire et de la technologie de production d'électricité

A Review Study on Solar Energy and Its Various Applications

Satish Saini*, Ankit Tyagi and Rishi Sikka

Solar energy is a type of thermal energy that can be captured using a variety of advanced developing technologies, such as photovoltaic and solar thermal energy. Conventional harnessing methods rely on non-renewable energy source, which have a significant negative impact on the environment since they release a variety of hazardous and poisonous gases. Sun energy is one of the most favourable and best non-renewable energy resources that may be utilised as a main energy source as well as for the generation of secondary energy resources like electricity and steam. Solar energy has two key advantages: it is readily available and produces less pollution. Electricity generation is a primary application of solar energy that is widely used across the world. This review article provided a high-level summary of solar energy and its potential uses. Solar-energy has the potential to assist meet the energy demands of a growing population in a more efficient manner in the future.