Mr. Fahnle*
A micromagnetic theory is described for the treatment of superstriction in a disk of a type II superconductor with an external magnetic field oscillating in time perpendicular to the disk plane. By the action of the field, vortices are driven out of the disk and reappear in the disk periodically, leading to a time- and position-dependent magnetization M(r, t). This magnetization is used by the time-dependent Ginzburg Landau equation of motion for vortices. Thus, the effects of vortex pinning on defects or vortex pinning in high-Tc superconductors with very short correlation lengths can be included. The magnetoelastic interaction between the magnetization M(r, t) and the lattice generates magnetostrictive stresses, which in the case of superconductors are called superstrictive stresses. They are exploited in the present paper.