Journal de recherche et d'applications en physique

Dark Matter is Mathematical Fiction

David Rowland*

Dark matter is hypothetical matter that supposedly suffuses the entire universe, filling the dark spaces between stars and galaxies. It is inferred to exist only because of a falsely presumed gravitational pull it appears to have on visible matter. Dark matter has none of the properties of visible matter, nor any properties at all, for the simple reason that dark matter does not exist. Because of a fundamental cosmological error regarding the nature of redshift and because of fudged data by Edwin Hubble, the universe has been falsely presumed to be expanding at a predictable rate. When evidence suggested that this supposed rate of expansion may be slowing down, it was hypothesized that there must be mysterious, invisible, undetectable dark matter imposing a gravitational effect in opposition to the universe’s presumed rate of expansion. When the redshift misinterpretation is corrected, however, we are left with the inescapable conclusion that the universe is not expanding and that there is no mysterious force resisting its non-expansion. Dark matter is a mathematical diversion from the true nature of the universe.

Avertissement: Ce résumé a été traduit à l'aide d'outils d'intelligence artificielle et n'a pas encore été examiné ni vérifié