Journal de recherche et d'applications en physique

Anatomy of the atom and particle production based on the production of hydrogen and deuterium during the "first second" of cosmology

Linda Hutchinson

Science is unable to directly observe the internal atomic structure or the production of subatomic particles. The goal of this research is to develop a model showing the detailed anatomy of the atom and particle production based on the production of hydrogen and deuterium during the "first second" of cosmology. To show how subatomic particles and forces developed as a result of a cause-and-effect relationship. To agree that the singularity particle was majorana with an anapole structure and field, which underwent a thermodynamic process, jeopardizing its structure. Result: a stretching and change of state of Anapole Majorana into a dipole structure: wavelength 10-24 mm, typical neutrino size, during the Plank/GUT epochs. Postulate the existence of primordial Majorana neutrinos, whose attributes can be substituted into the equations for the photons currently used (we know that photons did not exist at that time). Unlike an electron, muon or tau neutrino, this is a Majorana neutrino, deriving from the "decay" state change of the Majorana singularity. Each neutrino is entangled at the midpoint with its antineutrino, behaving as its own antiparticle. Neutrino/antineutrino pairs cause: gravitational force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, inflation, W+ and W- bosons, Z bosons, Higgs field and the boson. This will help reveal the structure of spacetime and dark matter that shows how quantum laws progress to classical laws by bridging the gap.

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