Maladies infectieuses : prévention et contrôle

A study on clinical and socio-demographic profile of MDR TB patients and their adherence to treatment under RNTCP at the Domjur block of Howrah District, West Bengal, India

Sampa Mitra

T B is the most common cause of death, worldwide in adults, due to a single infectious agent. And multi-drug resistant TB (MDR TB), resistant to both isoniazid and rifampicin, with/without resistance to other drugs, caused by M. tuberculosis, is currently among the most worrisome elements of the TB pandemic. This work attempts to identify the socio-demographic characteristics, and the degree of adherence to treatment, of MDR TB patients. It is a crosssectional study, conducted between 21.04.2018 and 14.08.2018, at the Domjur Block of Howrah District, West Bengal, India, among the 23 MDR-TB cases who were under treatment according to RNTCP (Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme) guidelines. The Domjur block was selected at random, and the patients were studied in the census method by house-to-house visit, face-to-face interview and inspection of relevant medical reports. It has been found that, MDR TB can occur in regular TB patients who has not taken the drug regularly and has not completed a full course of treatment. Also, delay in diagnosis, and previous improper treatment, in case of regular TB patients, may contribute to the occurrence of this disease. Besides, a person can have MDR TB, due to contact with another MDR TB patient. Thus, the health workers and physicians should be motivated and acquainted with updated techniques of treatment, by regular in-service training. Quality of medicines and laboratory tools used for diagnosis, must be strictly maintained. Proper IEC (Information, Education and Communication) drive is to be done, and community participation should be increased.