Journal de recherche sur le VIH et le sida

The Quality of Life of HIV Patients Before and After Initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment: A Study in a Department of Infectious Diseases in Western Greece

Lagadinou M and Liapis G

We studied the health-related quality of life of patients with HIV. It was given questionnaires (SF-36, MOS-HIV) and patients answered questions related to factors such as: physical health, physical role, social role, emotion, energy - vitality, mental health and general health. Completion of the questionnaires took place during regular patient visits in department of Infectious Diseases of the University Hospital of Patras. In that study took part a total of 58 patients who were receiving antiretroviral treatment. Exclusion criteria were newly diagnosed with HIV infection and the hospitalization for any reason. Both from the SF-36 questionnaire and the MOS-HIV, was found that both physical and mental health of patients with acquired immunodeficiency is not affected as much as one would expect due to the simplified but still multiple medicines taken by patients with HIV, as well as the average values for the physical and mental health is quite high. This study could be extended to more HIV centers in Greece and carried thereby general conclusions which will likely contribute to a better routine clinical practice and to improve, and by extension reduce the side effects of antiretroviral drugs.