Revue internationale de santé mentale et de psychiatrie

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Mental Health

Peterson C

After less than 50 years ago, domestic violence is still a relatively new phenomenon. In those years, advocates, law enforcement, mental health professionals, medical professionals and even researchers have begun to realize the impact domestic and intimate partner abuse has on its victims. Research has shown that “women experiencing domestic violence are more likely to have a mental health issue” and “women with mental health problems are more likely to be domestically abused (Mental Health Foundation, n.d., para. Research has also indicated that women who experience violence are twice as likely to experience depression (, n.d.). The World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Violence Prevention indicates that one in three women have been the victim of sexual and physical abuse at some point in their life (as cited by Pill, Day & Mildred, 2017). The report also indicated that the average period of abuse is approximately ten years (Pill et al, 2017). Other research has indicated that 15-34-year- old women experience the highest rate of abuse (Howard & Feder, 2013).