Journal de génétique et de thérapie génique

My Experiences in Using Autologous Human Hair Follicular Stem Cells (AMT) With Regenera Technology Combination With Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Androgenetic Alopecia Treatments - in Both Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL)&Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) in Asian Populations.

Kelvin Chee Ling Tan

Involving using of human hair follicular stem cells combining  with Platelet Rich Plasma ( PRP)  in Androgenetic Alopecia in Both Men and Women that holds a great promise.When the Micrograft ( Human Hair Follicles)  is added , it pushes the system to under remodelling through the Regeneration process by activation of fibroblasts and Mesoangioblasts ( vessels associated progenitor cells ). Regenera micro-grafts are 70 - 80 microns dimensions, and each of them are consisting of the components  in the Tissue Engineering Triangle ; Stromal Vascular Fractions ( CD90+/CD105+/CD73+/ Melanocyte progenitor , HFDMSC CD 44+ , HFESC CD200+), Extra-cellular Matrix ( ECM), and Growth Factors ( GF) .